Gov. Ned Lamont called revelations about a state senator the governor previously agreed to nominate as one of Connecticut’s ...
While President Donald J. Trump is talking in Washington about cutting taxes for millionaires, some Democrats are calling for ...
Lamont said he still fully supports increasing funding for special education and pointed to the $54 million increase in his budget proposal.
Some Connecticut lawmakers, along with advocates from the United Way of Connecticut, want to establish a $600 child tax ...
If the bill becomes law, people would see two times instead of one when buying movie tickets in the state: the time that ads ...
The state Senate unanimously approved a bill that includes $40 million in emergency special education aid. That sends to the ...
Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont confirmed on Monday afternoon that he planned to line-item veto two pieces of legislation that ...
Connecticut lawmakers pushed for a refundable child tax credit. A group held a news conference on Wednesday morning in ...
Connecticut Senate Pro Temp Martin Looney Whether it’s AMC Marquis 16 in Trumbull or the AMC Majestic 6 in Stamford, ...
From half a world away, Gov. Ned Lamont traded barbs with the leaders of his own party in the legislature over a proposed ...