Type 1 diabetes is a significant child health issue globally. The farther north you go, the higher the percentage of young ...
One in five Norwegian enterprises now utilises artificial intelligence (AI) technology, with a particular focus on generative ...
In a new study, researchers found no evidence of an overactive immune system as other studies have shown. They suggest that ...
OPINION: Despite political initiatives spanning four decades in the form of countless national, regional and local efforts to ...
For over 150 years, art historians, archaeologists, and architects have been drawn to the Urnes Stave Church to study it. One ...
Sexually transmitted infections are on the rise among teenagers, with many opting to purchase rapid tests online or in stores ...
Each year, 200 children die before or during birth in Norway, leaving parents with tough decisions to make in a short amount ...
The seabed in parts of the Barents Sea is riddled with cracks. Methane gas seeps out of some of these cracks, forming columns ...
The first planetary system discovered was nothing like our own. It was more like a zombie solar system. Appropriately named ...
Instead, palaeontologists carefully extract the stone blocks containing the bones, encase them in protective plaster shells, ...
In the past, people believed they had to protect their heads and hair when the northern lights appeared. A dancing maiden or ...
OPINION: Do the companies really want you to find a partner, or do they want you to keep paying for the search for True Love?