The Board of Supervisors Tuesday, February 26 unanimously approved the Valley Center Road Corridor Concept Plan (VCRCCP) and accompanying ordinance that integrates the plan into County Ordinances.
VCHS band, VCHS  Drum line and the VC Middle school drum line recently received generous support from The Valley Center Evening Optimist Club.   They accepted three separate checks totaling $10,530 ...
At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting the board—following the lead of 5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond, gave the final approval to a transfer of property tax revenues from County and increasing ...
Goldie Jacoby, Holocaust survivor, will speak at the Maxine Theater located at the Valley Center High School on April 2 relating her childhood eyewitness account of one of the darkest times in history ...
A “tiny house” on Choctaw Ridge was a total loss in a fire Friday morning, but no one was injured. Beginning at 9:34 a.m., fire units from Valley Center Fire, San Pasqual Fire, Rincon Fire and Cal ...
On Monday, February 10, the Valley Center Community Planning Group (VCCPG) will once again hold an election for chairperson. The chair sets the agenda, runs the meetings and is the voice of the group ...
Supervisors approve VC Road Corridor Plan in first of two votes ...
Regarding “Waving the American Flag” in last week’s Roadrunner, I too agree that waving Mexican flags and shouting and pumping fists is not the way to gain support for immigration. I think last week’s ...
The Valley Center Municipal Water District (District) has been advised by its wholesale supplier, the San Diego County Water Authority, of the following aqueduct shutdown. The shutdown of the San ...
President Trump did not become a billionaire ignorant of business practices. He knows exactly how tariffs work. When he says, “China pays the custom duties,” He is intentionally lying and pretending ...
Calling all Irish Cooks for the 29th Annual Irish Stew Cook-off, Thursday, March 13, 7:30 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, 31020 Cole Grade Rd., Valley Center, just south of Valley Center High ...
Valley Center residents Van & Michelle Lynch, Madeline Gartner and Mark Ahrent recently traveled to Antarctica on a Lindblad National Geographic cruise.