There’s something magical about a dish that brings comfort in every bite, and the Amish Country Casserole does exactly t ...
Fry bread is a culturally complicated staple in many Native American traditions, and while it typically only has two ...
Gloria ponders a question recently asked by a reader and shares a recipe she would make especially for her late husband.
The last few days have been rainy. The many, many leaves that have not been picked up are now matted to the wet grass. It ...
1. Boil carrots and potatoes together until tender. 2. In a skillet toast bread cubes in butter until crisp (I like adding ...
This Quick and Easy Amish Cinnamon Bread is perfect with a simple, sweet bread with a crackly cinnamon-sugar crust and ...
There's a famous bakery in NYC (Levain Bakery) that puts this exact cookie on their menu every fall. Now, thanks to this ...
The last few days have been rainy. The many, many leaves that have not been picked up are now matted to the wet grass. It ...
2. In a skillet, toast bread cubes in butter until crisp (I like adding generous amount of seasoning salt or garlic salt). 4. Add carrots, potatoes, chicken, broth, celery, parsley, and seasonings.