State-owned electricity company PT PLN has readied one thousand Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLUs) across 615 ...
BMKG's early weather warning: moderate to heavy rainfall was recorded in South Tangerang, Depok, and parts of Bogor and ...
The BMKG predicts that extreme weather will continue until Eid al-Fitr season despite Indonesia entering the transition ...
Floods and landslides on Indonesia's main island of Java killed three people and left five more missing after heavy rains ...
Four of Indonesia's five big islands, Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Papua, are in the red zones, with a minimum potential of 7.8-magnitude. Indonesia is one of countries prone to earthquakes ...
(ANTARA/HO-PT PLN IP) Padang, W Sumatra (ANTARA) - After previously building the 192 megawatt peak (MWp) Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in the Cirata Reservoir, West Java, the government is ...
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