At the National Museum of African Art, a Washington, D.C. artist’s work illuminates a gallery room and honors 54 people who ...
Finalizing all the necessary preparations, Ethiopia is welcoming its guests arriving from various countries to Addis Ababa to participate at the 46th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the ...
Deputy Prime Minister visits African country to ‘promote ambitions for partnerships and mutual economic growth’ ...
Ethiopia is additionally seeking artefacts held by the National Army Museum, a public body under the MoD, which holds a shield and a damask coat possibly owned by Emperor Tewodros. This shield was ...
Lucy's fragments will be shown at Prague's National Museum as part of a 'Human Origins And Fossils' exhibition for two months from Aug 25 ...
The bone fragments of Lucy, a 3.18 million year-old human ancestor which rarely leave Ethiopia, will go on display in Europe ...
The hyperrealistic artistic reconstruction of the female Austrolopithecus afarensis (Lucy), based on finds from Hadar, Ethiopia, in the National Museum of Prague in Prague, is pictured.(Photo by ...
In June 2020, the Government of Ethiopia launched the Digital Ethiopia 2025 Strategy, a national digital transformation strategy aiming to lay the foundation for a digital economy by the end of 2025.
have expressed admiration for Ethiopia's progress and its commitment to preserving heritages during a visit to the Unity Park and the National Palace Museum. The representatives, which visited the ...
Ethiopia is pushing for the return of sacred artifacts taken by British forces during the 1868 Battle of Magdala.