Regulation (EU) 2023/1805 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 September 2023 on the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport, and amending Directive 2009/16/EC (OJ L ...
Mitigar el uso indebido de contratos abusivos que impiden el intercambio de datos equitativo. Esto implica: proteger a las empresas de términos contractuales abusivos impuestos por partes con ...
Do you want to help improving EUR-Lex ? This is a list of experimental features that you can enable. These features are still under development; they are not fully tested, and might reduce EUR-Lex ...
Do you want to help improving EUR-Lex ? This is a list of experimental features that you can enable. These features are still under development; they are not fully tested, and might reduce EUR-Lex ...
Autoritățile competente efectuează anchete anuale bazate pe analiza riscurilor vizând depistarea prezenței organismului dăunător specificat, cel puțin prin inspecție vizuală, a tuberculilor din situri ...
Ovom se Uredbom utvrđuju mjere za iskorjenjivanje štetnog organizma Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival i za sprečavanje njegova širenja na području Unije. Države članice do 30. travnja sv ...
Kompetentās iestādes veic ikgadējus, uz risku balstītus apsekojumus, lai atklātu attiecīgā kaitīgā organisma klātbūtni, vismaz veicot bumbuļu vizuālu apskati ražošanas platībās, kurās attiecīgie augi ...
Οι αρμόδιες αρχές διενεργούν ετήσιες έρευνες επισκόπησης με βάση τον κίνδυνο για την παρουσία του συγκεκριμένου επιβλαβούς οργανισμού, τουλάχιστον με οπτική εξέταση των κονδύλων στις εγκαταστάσεις παρ ...
Professionelle operatører og andre personer, der konstaterer symptomer på den pågældende skadegører som følge af nedbrydning af eller ændringer i en resistent kartoffelsorts resistens i forbindelse me ...
1        Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku odnosi se na tumačenje članka 2. točke 36. i članka 143. stavka 2. Uredbe (EU) br. 1303/2013 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 17. prosinca 2013. o utvrđivanju zaje ...
–        pour le gouvernement allemand, par MM. J. Möller et M. Hellmann ainsi que M me  J. Simon, en qualité d’agents, 2        Cette demande a été présentée dans le cadre d’un litige opposant QE et ...