With her large body and frontal pose, the Virgin here functions as a throne for Christ, a visual expression of her status as the Mother of God and source of wisdom. While the symmetry and rigid ...
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An ink and watercolor drawing of two figures using a plank of wood and the base of an ancient column as a seesaw. One figure sits at the bottom of the seesaw, while the other is raised in the air with ...
Not a formal portrait, but a study of a generic type and emotional expression, this painting dates to a period shortly after the artist left his native Leiden and settled in Amsterdam. It shows the ...
A terracotta sculpture that is made of three round forms pointing to the right shown on a faded grey background. The two bottom forms are flat on the surface, the top form sticks up a bit and is ...
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A nude male body, depicted from the knees upwards, is drawn in red chalk.
The gilt bronze sculpture is of a person standing upright and facing the viewer. They are standing barefoot on a small pedestal detailed with petals. The person’s right arm is down by their side, palm ...
In a lavish room with ornate tapestries, a young woman with fair skin and long light brown hair lies against cushions on the floor, with only a silk sheet wrapped around her legs. A hookah and a fan ...
"One of a Pair (Left Scroll) of Ink-Rubbings from a Stone Stele Engraved with a Passage of Text from the "Heart Sutra" (After Monk Huai-su) , 1994.178.B,” Harvard Art Museums collections online, Sep ...
Twenty individual figures drawn in a stylized manner appear in a grid of thin black lines on a cream background. Each figure wears a doll-like or harlequin costume of bold geometric shapes in primary ...