Most of the fees are charged by individual departments and combined on a unified license bill issued by the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector. With the passage of this legislation, 91% of ...
Join us for an essential guide to the San Francisco Rent Ordinance, where we'll break down the key rights and obligations for both tenants and landlords. In part one, members of the Rent Board will ...
The program offers a unique 11.5 month opportunity to work full-time in local government, earning a salary with health, dental, retirement, and other benefits. If you have any questions, we encourage ...
This webinar by PublicCounsel, Bet Tzedek Legal Services, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, and CAMEO, will focus on issues to be aware of when leasing commercial ...
We encourage the public to submit comments before the meeting. You can: Email us at
[email protected] Call the Commission's main office at 628-652-1100 and leave a message Call the Commission's ...
Get the details you need to successfully engage in this process, including eligibility criteria, training details, and how to register. The November 5150 Certification Training registration is now ...
The purpose of this account is to enable the SF Entertainment Commission (herein “the EC”) to post information concerning issues of importance to residents of San Francisco, and to enable members of ...
Apply for a job at one of our self-service workstations Take a Workforce Development training class (must register in advance) Take hiring exams (by appointment only) As you enter the building, there ...
TIDA, San Francisco Environment, Golden Gate Bird Alliance and California Native Plant Society - Yerba Buena Chapter hosted a ...
The Wednesday, November 27, 2024 regular meeting of the Access Appeals Commission (AAC) has been cancelled. The next scheduled regular meeting will be held in person and by webex on Wednesday, ...
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Learn about the rules that apply to most City employees (also called “miscellaneous” employees).