Former Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom (2008-2012) died Monday at the age of 71. The cause of death has not been disclosed, although it was known that Colom was being treated for esophageal cancer.
Una anàlisi de l’ADN antic suggereix que els primitius habitants de l’illa de Pasqua, actualment a Xile, van tenir contacte ...
Boeing's Starliner astronauts could be stuck in space until 2025, NASA says ...
Set in Miami’s Little Haiti neighborhood, "Mountains" is one of those films that makes you walk around your own city, your ...
Standing at the end of Barcelona's Rambla, near the sea, The Mirador de Colom, also known as the Columbus Monument in Barcelona, designed by Gaietà Buïgas, was built in 1888 on the occasion of the ...
At the south east entrance of Central Park, along 60th Street and 5th Avenue, sits Doris Freedman Plaza, named after the late ...
Amb una sonora ovació ha salpat el vaixell de Mar i cel, en la que serà la darrera travessia al Victòria. Ahir es va fer ...
LAjuntament de Tarragona també habilitarà Tres noves zones d’aparcament amb capacitat per a més de 900 vehicles a l’Anella ...
Els diversos sectors enfrontats dins d’ERC van a matadegolla en un procés precongressual que recorda les tempestuoses crisis ...
Un ha colpejat la NHL, National Hockey League autèntica tragèdia: Johnny Gaudreau, estrella de les jaquetes blaves de Colom, ...