The prosecution rested Thursday afternoon after 12 days of testimony in the Delphi murders trial, closing its case with a ...
DEAR ABBY: When I was a teenager, my immigrant grandparents brought back hand-knit sweaters from Ireland, the country in ...
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
DEAR HOPEFUL: In three years, Annie’s younger child will be 18. Will her children be off to college? It will be seven years ...
The young woman wastes her money on weed and alcohol, wrecks cars she is given, and gets evicted when she fails to pay rent.
Dear Abby: I got out of rehab two months ago. While I was there, I met someone. “Annie” lives in Florida, and I live in California. We both are doing great, and I believe we make each other stronger.
I texted her and let her know that I saw that she had stopped by, and, in the future, I’d prefer she texted me before stopping over. Now she is offended and says she will “never stop ...
DEAR ABBY: A close person in my life complains about money yet spends money on frivolous things. They have rooms full of decorations, dishes, plants, flowers and lanterns, and have done extensive ...
DEAR ABBY: I am 58 and a recovering addict. I used drugs and alcohol for 30-plus years, and now I have 20 months clean, thank God. Throughout my addiction, I had a friend who was my strong supporter.
Dear Abby: I have been friends with a couple for 30 years. Both are alcoholics. They function, work at farmers' markets, are sociable, have a house and pay their bills. Yet, at least once ...
DEAR ABBY: I will turn 18 in six months. I know I should be happy, but to be completely honest with you, I’m scared to become an adult. I don’t feel I’m ready to grow up and leave my ...
DEAR ABBY: My daughter was diagnosed with a disease. Soon after, she decided to marry a man she’d met. I’m not fond of the guy, and I find it difficult to have a relationship with him.