According to the official English anime website, the light novels has over 2.2 million copies published by 2023. [84] Twenty light novels in total have been released including the second parts of ...
Most of the world’s biggest news website saw strong growth in July in what was a bumper month for news. July saw an assassination attempt against Donald Trump, Joe Biden announcing he would not ...
With foreign visitors to Japan at an all-time high, there have also been more incidents where people from overseas have been behaving badly, giving rise to a new term being used in the local media: ...
Ishikawa Normal School (石川師範学校, Ishikawa shihan gakkō), Kanazawa Higher Normal School (金沢高等師範学校, Kanazawa kōtō shihan gakkō), Ishikawa Youth Normal School ...
Outside the sphere of universities and junior colleges, a large number of unregulated, private commercial schools called senmon gakkō (special vocational schools) run vocation-oriented courses for ...
This led to the foundation of the Imperial College of Engineering (Kōgaku-ryō, Kōbu-dai-gakkō, ICE) under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Works. Teaching began in 1873 and aimed at ...