The AEI Housing Center's National HPA Index tracks home price apprecation across the nation and across price tiers.
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world….He who doesn’t [understand]…pays…”[1] The famous aphorism is attributed to the great physicist ...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has already thrown cold water on the possibility of a negotiated settlement, saying Russia is “not satisfied.” Lavrov is known for bluster. Trump, his ...
If there is one thing that Jimmy Carter’s presidency taught us about economics and politics, it is that the American public abhors inflation. This is a lesson that Biden did not learn when, in ...
In honor of my friend Stephen Miran’s nomination to chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors I want to highlight an area where he is correct, or at least more correct than most participants ...
Sometimes a hard-fought First Amendment win at the US Supreme Court leads to a longer, more difficult battle for the victor after the justices send the case back to a lower court to deliver a new ...
Senior Fellow James Pethokoukis discusses the political power of Elon Musk and the battle in the House following the government funding bill on CNBC’s ‘The Exchange.’ ...
Lee Edwards, who died last week at the age of 92, was right from the beginning. Consider the moment of his political awakening. When Soviet tanks rolled into Hungary in 1956, crushing an anti ...
(3) distrust (plus the intensity of it) they harbor toward the nation’s leading foreign adversary, the People’s Republic of China (PRC); It upheld, in the face of a First Amendment challenge ...
ONE OF MY EARLIEST MEMORIES of international politics was of a speech by President George H.W. Bush on Wenceslas Square in Prague in November 1990, on the first anniversary of the Velvet ...
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