But if Israel had wanted to frame its war against Hamas in those terms, its government should have contended with an ...
The overhaul’s main architect, Justice Minister Yariv Levin, all but disappeared, presumably eaten up by remorse for his ...
In April 2023, U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan delivered a critique of the neoliberal consensus that had served ...
MONA YACOUBIAN is Vice President of the Middle East and North Africa Center at the United States Institute of Peace. This ...
It steadily degraded Hezbollah and Iran, judging that although both would maintain low-level conflict, neither wanted a ...
Indeed, China is rapidly developing and producing weapons systems designed to deter the United States and, if deterrence ...
On the morning of September 17, soldiers in a remote base in Puerto Jordán, Arauca, along Colombia’s border with Venezuela, ...
THE Egyptian Gazette of May 9, 1929, carried the text of an agreement on the long-debated question as to the use of the waters of the River Nile. The agreement, which recognizes on the one hand.that ...
THE first formal treaty of alliance between Great Britain and Portugal was signed in 1386. But coöperation between the two countries had begun at an even earlier period. Many of the Crusaders who ...
THE most thorough way to understand and judge Fascism is by dissociating Fascism as a political program from Fascism as a movement in the history of the Italian national revolution. It is my intention ...
ANEW official edition of Mao Tse-tung's "Selected Works" calls to mind the curious fact that in some respects the political landscape in Communist China presents a more familiar aspect to the student ...
WHILE there is much dispute today concerning the rôle which gold prices have played in the economic deterioration of the last five years, the disputants generally agree on at least one point: that the ...